Planning Department
The Planning Department is located at the Greensville County Government Center. This department provides the public with certain information related to property within the county. It clarifies regulations authorized by the Greensville County Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and the Code of Greensville County. These two ordinances regulate land use and buildings located within the county whether it be located in an Agricultural, Residential, or Industrial zone.
Rezoning Special Use Permits Variances Subdivisions Projects Fee Schedule Agendas Zoning Ordinance Contact Us
Rezoning is the act of changing the zoning classification of land. A zone is a designation which permits certain uses of land, and building within which certain yards and open spaces are required as well as height limits for building imposed. It is a mapped area to which a uniform set of regulations applies. When requested, rezoning cases are heard by the Planning Commission on the second Tuesday of each month and the Board of Supervisors on the third Monday of each month. Applications must be filed by the second Tuesday of the preceding month. The applicants must hold a pre-application consultation with the Planning Director or Department Technician before filing the application. This consultation reviews the purpose of the rezoning and allows for other options (if any) to be given to the applicant before filing. Once the application is filed, it is processed and sent out to the appropriate agencies for review. Also, the application is available to the public for the review and comment. The public hearings are advertised in the local paper three (3) times prior to the meetings and adjacent property owners are notified of the proposed rezoning. A Staff Report is prepared by staff for the Commission and a copy mailed to the applicant. The Planning Commission sends its' recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.
Special Use Permits are permits authorized by the Board of Supervisors for a use designated as a "special use" in a designated district after evaluation of the impact and compatibility of such use. The permit typically specifics conditions and restrictions, in addition to those contained in the Greensville County Zoning Ordinance to insure the use is compatible with the area in which it is to be located. When requested, Special Use Permit cases are heard by the Planning Commission on the second Tuesday of each month and the Board of Supervisors on the third Monday of each month. Applications must be filed by the second Tuesday of the preceding month. The applicants must hold a pre-application consultation with the Planning Director or Department Technician before filing the application. This consultation reviews the purpose of the request and allows for other options (if any) to be given to the applicant before filing. Once the application is filed, it is processed and sent out to the appropriate agencies for review. Also, the application is available to the public for the review and comment. The public hearings are advertised in the local paper three (3) times prior to the meetings and adjacent property owners are notified of the proposed permit. A Staff Report is prepared by staff for the Commission and a copy mailed to the applicant. The Planning Commission sends its' recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.
A variance is a relaxation of the bulk or measurable terms of the Zoning Ordinance where it is not contrary to the public health, safety, or welfare and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not a result of an action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in an undue hardship. When requested, variance cases are heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on the third Tuesday of each month as called. Applications must be filed by the third Tuesday of the preceding month. The applicants must hold a pre-application consultation with the Planning Director or Department Technician before filing the application. This consultation reviews the purpose of the request and allows for other options (if any) to be given to the applicant before filing. Once the application is filed, it is processed and sent out to the appropriate agencies for review. Also, the application is available to the public for the review and comment. The public hearings are advertised in the local paper two (2) times prior to the meetings and adjacent property owners are notified of the proposed rezoning. A Staff Report is prepared by staff for the Board and a copy mailed to the applicant. The staff report reviews the request and recommends either to approve, approve with conditions, or deny.
A subdivision constitutes the division of any tract, parcel, or lot of land into two or more parts in conformance with the provisions of the Greensville County Zoning Ordinance. Subdivision plats containing less than four lots and creating no new roads are reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to recordation at the Greensville County Clerks Office. Subdivision plats containing five or more lots or creating new roads are sent out to the appropriate agencies for review and comments and submitted to the Planning Commission in preliminary form; then to Governing Body in final form.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Greensville County, with the assistance of a Richmond based consulting firm, has developed a Geographic Information System (GIS). A GIS is a computer mapping system which can store, manage, display, and analyze information regarding people, places, and things as well as convert that information to a land map. The citizens of Greensville County will benefit from this system with increased efficiency in recordation of plats, E-911 addressing, and emergency service routing. The county began development of its GIS in August of 2001. This information includes: aerial photography, roadway information, tax map/parcel designation, waterways and bodies, water & sewer utilities, building footprints, zoning district classifications, soils, wetlands, and much more. The next phase of development will be finalizing the incorporation of the E911 address layer. Not only will this information decrease emergency response time for fire, rescue, and law enforcement, but it will provide a significant service during and after manmade and natural disasters. For example, the County was able to utilize the system for the damage assessment phase of the April 28, 2002 tornado. Assistance was provided to the American Red Cross, Small Business Administration, Virginia Department of Emergency Services, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Assistance was in the form of maps depicting aerial photography of those areas affected by the event as they appeared in March of 2001. Because these officials were unfamiliar with the county’s landmarks, road names, and development pattern this pictorial information was critical to their understanding of the event’s impact and quickened their determination of what areas needed to be seen and in what order as well as their final findings. Noting he had never worked in a community hit by a disaster that had a GIS, Ted Jonas of the American Red Cross said of using GIS information, "…it was definitely helpful to see the impacted area in the perspective of then and now". He added that provision of this information, "…probably assisted in the county being included in the Presidential disaster declaration to help individuals affected by this event." This project has progressed to the point that product imagery is available at a minimal cost. Order Form click
Comprehensive Plan - Update Greensville County is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan. A Comprehensive Plan consists of strategies used in order to plan for growth patterns related to population, housing, employment, retail sales, industrial development, roads, utilities, education, and recreation within Greensville County. As part of this process, a survey was mailed to 500 property owners throughout Greensville County. This survey asked property owners their opinions on such topics as: Commercial/Industrial growth, Transportation, Environmental issues, and Residential development. The responses received from the survey will provide citizen inputs in the update of the Comprehensive Plan. Transportation Enhancement Program Grants Two grants were awarded to projects in Greensville County; one with the City of Emporia, that will improve pedestrian safety along pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle corridors. The first, a $69,000 award, will extend sidewalks along the east of Route 301 located in the City of Emporia (North Main Street) and Greensville County (Sussex Drive). The second award, $71,000, will replace sidewalks along the north side of Route 611 (Dry Bread Road) in the Washington Park community of Greensville County. These projects received special appropriations from VDOT to expedite completion.
Economic Business Development Brochure Greensville County is attempting to attract new businesses to this area to help expand the economic vitality of the county. The County is making a strong effort to aggressively recruit new businesses to provide more and better services and job opportunities to the citizens of the community.
CASE MATTERS Zoning Map Amendments (Classification Change)------------------ $300.00 Overlay District (Same as Zoning Map Amendment)---------------- $300.00 Zoning Text Amendment------------------------------------------- $100.00 Special Use Permits: Cellular Communication towers (Establish) $3,500.00 Commercial/Industrial Use $300.00 Any others not listed $250.00 Variance ----------------------------------------------------------- $200.00 Appeals ------------------------------------------------------------ $175.00 Rezoning ----------------------------------------------------------- $300.00 Variance------------------------------------------------------------ $300.00 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS Cellular
Communication towers (Co-locate)----------------------
$2,000.00 Home Occupation Permit ------------------------------------------- $15.00 Sign Permit --------------------------------------------------------- $15.00 Zoning Permit (with Building Permit) -------------------------------- $15.00 DOCUMENTS Comprehensive Plan (Copy)---------------------------------------- $12.00 Comprehensive Plan Summary (Copy) ----------------------------- $4.00 Zoning Ordinance (Copy) ------------------------------------------ $7.00 (Notebook cover $4.00 additional) Subdivision Ordinance (Copy) ------------------------------------- $6.00 Master Street Guide ----------------------------------------------- $10.00 PLANS Subdivisions: Exemptions (Agricultural/Family conveyance) --------- $10.00 All others ------------------------------------------- $15.00 1-4 Lots -------------------------------------------- $15.00 5+ Lots – Preliminary-------------------------- $20.00 + $1.00 per lot 5+ Lots – Final -------------------------------- $10.00 + $1.00 per lot Site Plan Review ----------------------------------------------------- $100.00 Planned Development------------------------------------------------- $150.00 MAPS 911 Maps ----------------------------------------------------------- $3.00 11 x 17 Maps -------------------------------------------------------- $.20 per page
Planning & Zoning Information Greensville County Zoning Ordinance Greensville County Subdivision Ordinance